Magdeburg’s hemisphere experiment
A Present for Magdeburg
Magdeburg, June 15, 2002- the city of Magdeburg received a new piece of art. Mayor Dr. Lutz Trümper and Otto von Guericke alias Wolfgang Emmrich unveiled the magnificent sculpture with Magdeburg’s hemisphere experiment at Ratswaage plaza in the city centre. “As of today there is a new symbol for Magdeburg as city with traction power,” said Dr. Trümper. Afore Dr. Peter Transfeld, chairman of ÖHMI AG, handed over the mayor a deed of gift for the created artwork; it had been made by the sculptor Prof. Thomas Virnich, who was also attending. ÖHMI was instigator and contracting entity for the 5 meter high and 8 meters long bronze molding sculpture, which originated on the occasion of the 400th Birthday of Otto von Guericke and in order to acknowledge the scientific achievements of Magdeburg’s former mayor and scientists.
This magnificent sculpture is a joint venture of companies and citizens from Magdeburg’s region. It should reveal the meaning of inventive genius and entrepreneurship for the region’s progress and the welfare of its people”, emphasized Dr. Transfeld, who had personally given the impetus for the artwork. The financial “milestone” for the implementation of the long-cherished idea could be laid in June 2000 with money donations from the 50th anniversary of company. Therewith ÖHMI could offer in March 2001 a national artist competition as a reward, at which six sculptors submitted their pieces of art. Dr. Transfeld said that the subsequent financing of the artwork had received board support by regional companies, institutions and private persons: round about 250.000 Euros in cash and kind had come up together in an extremely short space of time.
The ÖHMI-chairman thanked the almost 200 sponsors and donators for their contribution to the magnificent sculpture und thus helping to make the city of Magdeburg as the famous lieu of Guericke’s hemisphere experiment even more popular. At the same time Dr. Transfeld thanked the jury that had opted for Prof. Virnich’s design, “Thank you for this preeminently right decision”.